“FLOAT” ( 2019 - Present )
Our collaboration with Float began in the summer of 2019 when Tommi suddenly appeared at our office, as their boutique was located next door, and expressed their need for a new eCommerce. After a quick workshop, it became clear that their brand could also benefit from some work.
Four years later, everything is "a-ok" The development has been organic and implemented piece by piece according to current priorities and budgets. The work entailed developing branding and identity, the website and eCommerce user interface and experience, as well as providing marketing, service design, and brand strategy consultation.
After we finished redesigning their eCommence. We asked Juho what he thinks about working with us:
”Tonin kanssa työskentely on aina ollut helppoa, innostavaa ja yhteistyötä on aina tehty hymyssä suin. Teimme 2021 Tonin ja koodarikumppanimme kanssa verkkosivu-uudistuksen, jonka koodaamisessa kohtasimme paljon yllättäviä ongelmia. Toni koordinoi ongelmien ratkaisua väsymättömästi ja meillä oli koko ajan sellainen fiilis, että Toni välittää aidosti projektin loppuun saattamisesta tyylikkäästi maaliin. Toni on näkemyksellinen ja ammattitaitoinen tyyppi, jonka kanssa on kiva tehdä töitä. 5/5”
Trust, quality, and stress-free work have formed the foundation for everything. It has been a fantastic project that continues to this day.
Project description:
Branding, visual identity, website, eCommerce UI/UX, marketing, service design & brand strategy sparring.
#CreativeDirection #ArtDirection